Why We Run...
At Neko Japan, we run for the health and well-being of everyone facing difficult hardships. Whether it's overcoming drug addictions, alcoholism, life-threatening illnesses, or the daily struggle for self-motivation, we believe in the power of perseverance. Our goal is to defeat the negative voices in our minds that tell us we are not worth it, that our dreams can't come true. With hard work and constant dedication, we know that anything is possible.
Inspired by one of our main role models, David Goggins, we want to remind everyone that the journey won't be easy. But with determination, we can achieve our dreams and overcome any obstacle. Let's start this journey together, one step at a time.
Our Mission
Support and Motivation: We run to inspire and support those who are struggling with life's challenges.
Community Impact: Donations are always welcome and will be distributed back to the community to help those who need it the most.
Animal Welfare: A portion of donations will also go to animal shelters to protect and care for our furry friends.
Join us in this mission. Together, we can make a difference. Please visit our donations website to contribute and support our cause.